Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hello all and here's to a happy Valentine's Day.  I realize everyone isn't a fan but I am.  Blah, blah, blah corporate holiday.  I hear all that and I don't care.  Valentine's Day is just like any other holiday...or regular day for that matter.  It is what you make of it.  You don't like it?  Don't celebrate.  But leave me out of your cantankering.  I don't have time for all the negativity.  Life sucks enough.

Have a box of chocolates and either enjoy it, or stick it up your ass!  Your choice.



  1. Agreed - and First class all the way, even when telling negative Nancys to shove it :)

  2. LMAO Yeah, I always feel very gentile when I tell someone to shove something up their ass.
